Gmail 5.0 Will Include Support for Yahoo Mail and Outlook


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Android 5.0 Lollipop is almost upon us, and with it will come a new version of Google's Gmail program. Not only will it include their new "Material Design" UI concept, but it will also include some powerful new features as well. According to the latest info, Gmail 5.0 will include built-in support for both Yahoo Mail and Microsoft Outlook.

It's possible (and perhaps probable) that this is Google's first step to support all third-party email platforms straight from within Gmail. That's a smart plan from the company as it continues to entice users to use Gmail as their primary email platform. It gives us just one more reason to use Gmail for all of our email needs.

Source: AndroidPolice
I hope they don't break it like their last update to mobile Chrome did.

People still use Yahoo?

P.S. Gmail on iOS is horrible.
After Google broke Exchange email via Chrome on the desktop...I think I'll pass.
It can't come soon enough! I hate having different email apps for different email accounts.

I hope they don't break it like their last update to mobile Chrome did.

People still use Yahoo?

P.S. Gmail on iOS is horrible.
I have a dozen email accounts for all sorts dirty work on the Internet, one of them is a yahoo. Also, I believe yahoo email was around before Google email so people still have it from back in the days.
Yahoo and hot mail were years before google. I'm glad to hear they are finally integrating them.
I used to have a Yahoo email until the spam became overwhelming. I couldn't take it anymore and moved over to a Hotmail account. When Spam overtook that account I moved to Google. It's been years and I haven't had an issue since.
Now this is a reason to get me interested in Lollipop....although I just downloaded Gmail 5.0 and will install to see how things go.

Hopefully this works - LONG overdue feature. Wondering how it manages resources because the Email apk resources for exchange are pretty bloated (3+ services sometimes using 70+ megs of ram).

Maybe this will facilitate a good 3rd party message widget that will work without modded Gmail, Email, etc..Such a glaring omision in Android - widgets are one of Android's biggest selling points, and you can't give us a good universal inbox widget?