Stormy Knight
I just recently purchased a 2013 Malibu 2LT. It has the GM Mylin Infotainment system installed with a 7" touchscreen. Prior to that, I had a 2010 Equinox. With the Equinox, I could pair my OG Droid and my GNex and access the phonebook on either phone to use hands free voice dialing. I figured the Malibu would work the same way. I can pair the GNex to the car, but it won't allow me to use voice commands to dial contacts on the phone. I spent 30 minutes on the phone with a GM tech rep and we tried pairing and unpairing the phone several times to no avail. He said a buddy of his has a GNex and has had no problem. That got me to thinking JellyBean 4.2 was recently pushed to non-Verizon GNex phones. I asked the rep if his buddy's carrier was Verizon like me. He put me on hold for a second and came back and said it was a Sprint phone. So, I'm guessing there is a compatibility issue between JB 4.1.1 and the Infotainment system. If a 4.2 GNex works ok, perhaps that is my problem.
Is there anyone that hasn't had a problem pairing their GNex to GM's Infotainment System?
Is there anyone that hasn't had a problem pairing their GNex to GM's Infotainment System?