For those of you who say the 2600 mAh battery is enough I have some comments:<br>
Im currently using an HTC Sensation 4G with a 2450 mAh battery. I also have 4 OEM batteries that were given to me over time. All in good condition.<br>
1) I charge my phone at night- if i can just swap out the batt with a fresh one when one dies, wouldn't that one have to be charged too? so therefore when I connect my phone to the charger at night I need to then get up in the middle of the night - switch the charged batt out for a dead one so that it can charge too?? otherwise how will i be able to swap out for a fresh one.<br>
It seems more likely to carry around a charge/sync cord<br>
the 2450 batt I have now will not last a full day when constantly checking emails, facebook , making calls etc. I need a charge mid day.<br>
With todays innovation, and use of phones (as they are no longer phones but hand held computers/video games) the battery needs to last more than one full day - more like 2 full days with use. What about those times when you go out at night after a long day at work, find a hot girl and hook up at the bar, then crash at her place-- you need more battery life because you need to call a cab to get you home.<br>
Or when you travel to Europe/Hawaii and play on the phone the entire time (8-12 hour flight) and its dead when you get there....<br>
With the competition of Droid RAZR Maxx having a 3300 mAH battery-- im a bit disappointed in the battery of this phone-- hopefully the firmware will have battery saving properties and make it last longer than others.
Well first thing is what users get as their battery life is completely subjective. A 2600 mAh battery may last someone a whole day or longer while for someone who uses their phone constantly could possibly only make it through half a day and need a charge. It all depends on the user.
Secondly, you're using an HTC device which is notorious for pretty bad battery life across all their devices. Coming from a former Incredible owner and know a few close friends who use their Rezounds about the same way I do, my Nexus outlasts their battery. HTC has always been plagued by poor battery life for whatever reason.
And regarding your charging scenarios, yes originally you'd need to swap out batteries to charge them. However, a way around this is buying a separate battery charger. There's also different scenarios as to charging your other dead battery, you can always pop that dead battery in and charge while getting ready for work or something and charge in between. Therefore, using that other fully charged battery as your backup. Though as you mentioned, carrying around a charge cord would be easier.
Battery technology has hit a wall the past few years with Li-ion batteries. That's why batteries are only getting bigger as phones get bigger. I do recall reading about new battery technology that's being worked on, but it's not cost effective yet. Even with a Razr Maxx with its 3300 mAh battery, if you're on it the whole flight to say Europe, it won't last you. It'll last you longer than your Sensation with its 2450mAh battery, but in the end it will die as well before you land in Europe if you're on it the whole time.
Also manufacturers have found ways to make the battery last longer with their software, take the Note II for example with its amazing battery life. I know of a few Note II users who are still amazed at the battery life they're getting compared to any other Android device.
All comes down to battery life being subjective. With my use on my phone I can make my Galaxy Nexus (notorious for bad battery life) with a shot battery last a day, a 2600mAh battery with battery saving software is more than enough for me.