Galaxy s3 stuff on my nexus


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Saw the hype and thought I would atleast take a look. Siri...urghh s-voice yeah it took me longer to install it than it did to play with it and uninstall it. If I want an assistance app I will install speaktoit which is much better imo (see below for video comparison). Seriously though if I want to search for something I can hit the search button which came native to android since droid (actually before that) and the microphone button on the keyboard which been there since the nexus 2.1. I would prefer not to have a siri knock off on my phone...since when we feel we should copy apple who tried to copy something android was doing for awhile. Those who want to play with it have fun... for me consider it uninstalled.

Ringtones: Majority of them was some type of hippie songs from back in the 60s. Only 2 or 3 was actually just nature sounds. This makes me wonder what was happening at samsung. Any way I have the sea breeze sound but I have a feeling Ima get annoyed with that soon. But for now ima leave it and uninstall the rest.

Live wallpapers: I actually like the look on the dandelion one but not enough to take the perfomance hit. Ima leave it on my phone to show but it wont be my daily everyday wall paper.

So those who played around with sg3 dump on the nexus what you think.

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Yep S-Voice sucks.
meh, you gotta be pretty lonely to have the need for your phone to talk to you :icon_eek: