Funny stories about the droid...


Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Houston area
Have you got a funny story involving your droid? If so, post it here...

Mine is this-

I was setting my alarm for this morning when I went to bed last night, and decided to put it on "Rooster" sound. I set it for 430, my wife had her phone set also as backup...I am a notoriously sound sleeper. The first couple sounds didn't really have what it took to wake me over the last couple days, I sorta woke up, but sorta ignored the alarm sounds, as I have had clocks that had those sounds. They all seemed to lack a sense of urgency, I guess I would call them a little on the "polite" side...

We watched the news last night, then drifted off to happy slumber. 430 rolls around, and the rooster sound goes off...and so does my wife, jolting awake, and immediately in defensive mode!!! She was yelling "Oh my God! Get up! There is a efn chicken in here! WTF!" while simultaneously kicking me off my side of the bed to place me between her and the pissed off rooster! Once I peeled her off the ceiling, and squelched the alarm, she had awakened enough that she started laughing about it, and we laughed until we cried! There is a real rooster somewhere in our neighborhood, and it wakes her up all the time, but she thought that it had somehow got into the house through the doggy door or something, and that it was attacking us!! I wish we would have had a camcorder going, that would have won some money on AFV!!!

She doesn't get up until 7, usually. Too funny! The flailing of arms, the blankets going flying, the panicked screams, the dogs scattering on the hardwood floor...

I guess that sound works!
how funny. I too checked out the rooster alarm this morning. Im switching it back to something more normal, that was a bit to much at 5am.
That's funny for sure. I recall the time the bathroom radio alarm got activated and we heard loud thumping dance music at midnight. I was so mad but my wife was laughing so hard.
Haa haa that is great!!!

I usually wake up to sound wavs from movies/tv shows...

and I use 4 different ones ... the 4 i am using now are
Case of the mondays - office space
Time to be bad - family guy
Refuckulate - Trailer Park Boys
Chained to this Machine...

My favs are
Damn I am late - Back to the future
Damn the Man - Empire Records
Ass Bite - Jaws...
On Nov 6 (the day the Droid came out) I was at the Boca Town Center Mall. I waited in line at the Verizon Kiosk in the middle of the mall next to Macy's to get my phone. I purchased the phone and had it activated. Then I did what any man would do...what a better place to learn about your new phone than on the pot. I went in to the men's room at Macy's and the were three stalls. Only the middle one was open so I made it my throne. I am sitting there and I hear "DROID" from the stall to my left and knew exactly what was going on. Approximately 30 seconds later I again hear "DROID", but this time it came from the stall to my right. I got a kick out of this because I was not the only one that had the idea!