Frustrated Droid user


New Member
Aug 22, 2010
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0 I just made the huge leap from the 1st generation BB Storm (talk about FRUSTRATING!) to the Droid 2. I DO love it (I'm talking leaps & bounds here, compared to the Storm), but the few problems I have are SO frustrating that I think I'm gonna pull my hair out.
Glad this site is here! I'm hoping it can help me find out the answers to my Droid! Thanks :)
welcome to the forums

what kind of issues are you having?
Well, my main concern at the present is that all 500+ of the songs I carried over on my microSD card aren't able to be played in any media player (including the one already installed on the phone). Not sure what I need to do to change that.
I have had a terrible time getting the Calendar to sync up w/ my Outlook/Google calendar, but FINALLY just this minute figured that one out (had to un-sync my gmail account on my phone then resync it and it had the option to add the calendar).
Also...Does anyone know how to select multiple text messages at once and mark them as read? I get all my FB friend's status updates as SMS on my phone, so I can have TONS at one time that I don't want to have to open up and read each one. I know you can select more than one to "delete" but I just want to mark them "read".
That's all I have time to write about at the moment, but there are tons of other little things...Thanks!!
for the messages yes but not on the stock messaging app, if you download handcent you can have it done that way there will be an option
Well, my main concern at the present is that all 500+ of the songs I carried over on my microSD card aren't able to be played in any media player (including the one already installed on the phone). Not sure what I need to do to change that.
I have had a terrible time getting the Calendar to sync up w/ my Outlook/Google calendar, but FINALLY just this minute figured that one out (had to un-sync my gmail account on my phone then resync it and it had the option to add the calendar).
Also...Does anyone know how to select multiple text messages at once and mark them as read? I get all my FB friend's status updates as SMS on my phone, so I can have TONS at one time that I don't want to have to open up and read each one. I know you can select more than one to "delete" but I just want to mark them "read".
That's all I have time to write about at the moment, but there are tons of other little things...Thanks!!
Your songs drm? Drm music cant be played on any droid....