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Froyo questions

Ok so i got my droid yesterday. Was originally rooted with cutsom rom, custom rom had some issues. So after extensive seraching i learned i couldnt unroot with clockworkmod (or at least not with any way i found) so flashed to sprecovery, unrooted succcesfully, (tested with su command in terminal), and also reset to factory defaults putting me at:

2.0.1 build ESD56

when i check system update it says im up to date. could this just be because i just got it and it may take a couple days?

Anyways i was feeling impatient so i tried to update manually but i get an error soon as i get into recovery mode about E:\cahce\something\somthingelse

and then i cant click on restart or apply update.

Help me please
And also if you downloaded the offcial manully does it not give you flash?
Ok so i got my droid yesterday. Was originally rooted with cutsom rom, custom rom had some issues. So after extensive seraching i learned i couldnt unroot with clockworkmod (or at least not with any way i found) so flashed to sprecovery, unrooted succcesfully, (tested with su command in terminal), and also reset to factory defaults putting me at:

2.0.1 build ESD56

when i check system update it says im up to date. could this just be because i just got it and it may take a couple days?

Anyways i was feeling impatient so i tried to update manually but i get an error soon as i get into recovery mode about E:\cahce\something\somthingelse

and then i cant click on restart or apply update.

Help me please
And also if you downloaded the offcial manully does it not give you flash?
Pull the battery, wait at least ten seconds, preferably about thirty, then put the battery back in and attempt to reboot the phone.

FYI, you didn't need to unroot to install the latest update, and there were rooted versions running around you could have installed that would have given you the same stuff but with root already. As for "just getting it", no, that had nothing to do with it. The updates are being pushed out nationwide in a very random fashion. If you had four droids, all purchased at the same time, you could get three updates the first day and only get the last one updated the last day of the rollout.

Anyway, if the phone won't boot, try to reboot into recovery. If you can get into recovery the phone is still alright. What you'll want to do is a factory reset/wipe system + cache/whatever you can in there, and try to boot it again. If you can't get it to boot even after that, try flashing the stock 2.2 SBF file on with RSDLite. You can get it from here. Peter Alfonso

If that doesn't work, try pushing the SPRecovery SBF on instead. Once you have that you can try to put whatever ROM you want on in the hopes one will work.

If that fails, put the 2.0.1 SBF back on and then try to use the OTA update to 2.1 from Pete's site on it, then the 2.2 from 2.1 update. That has reportedly worked for some people when nothing else would, and if you can get 2.0.1 or 2.0 to work on your phone without an issue it may be the route you had to take. Or you could just put 2.1 back on and wait for the OTA.
The phone boots and operates fine, i unrooted and went to stock because i bought phone and it was rooted with custom 2.2 rom and i wanted to make the phone like it would be bought new and get the official. Agree with that or not it was my logic behind it.

Anyways when it boots to recovery mode i get that error as soon as recovery mode opens and i cant select any of the options in recovery mode. i guess i will just wait for the ota to come through. if i take it to a verizon store will they update it?
Okay, so to be clear -- your phone is booting to 2.0.1 fine?

And to answer the one question I didn't in your OP, Flash is an add-on you have to install manually at this point, but should become available from the market on the 18th.

And you risked bricking your phone to take a custom ROM off when you could have installed the update from the news section and gotten rid of the custom recovery image and custom ROM? That took guts, son. :)

I'm assuming when you say "click" you mean navigate with the volume keys and the camera button, not actually touch the screen to get something to work. What I'd do is download the update from the OP here, http://www.droidforums.net/forum/dr...ircus-continues-frg01b-official-get-here.html (I'm assuming you did the first time, but I'm trying to cut down on variables. :)), name it update.zip, push it to the root of your SD card, then go into settings and tell it to check for updates. It should recognize the update and then prompt you to install it. Hopefully it'd work this time.
Here is full explanation. Got phone, was rooted with custom 2.2 rom. To unroot i had to use rom manager to flash it from clockworkmod to sprecovery, then i ran the update.zip that unroots the phone, then i cleared the cache and reset phone to factory defaults

Phone boots and runs fine in stock os 2.0.1 I dont want to wait for the OTA so i put update.zip on root of sd card via computer (going to try it all from the phone now) then when i go into recovery as soon as im there it says E: Cant read \cache\recovery\command

And no i can not click using the volume and camera button, didnt even try clicking on screen. alt s did not work either (read that somewhere)
When you put the update.zip on the root of the SD card, make sure it's just named update because Astro or whatever will put the .zip on the end automatically.
If you're running stock, it's turned on. Heck, some people with Bugless Beast v.4 got notified of the update. They had to tell it to install and not allow the update to get the nag screen to go away. I believe what happens is the file gets pushed to your phone, named update.zip, and then something gets triggered in the OS. Or, conversely, once the file is there you tell the OS to look for it.

Unless something is still kicking around from the rooted days, which I doubt, you should be good to go with the OTA. You may need to run DMUpdater to root 2.0.1 and put ROM Manager back on so you can put SPRecovery in JUST to get the update again. And with that thought, I suddenly am hearing "...isn't it ironic, don't you think?" running through my head.

Lousy song... :)

We'll keep trying, though.

Have you tried to run the 2.1 OTA update file on the phone yet?
If it works then at least you'll be MORE current if you have to wait for the OTA. :)

And it might fix something so you can update further. Every Droid is different and sometimes bits here and there in the ROM don't get changed during a wipe/upgrade/flash, which ends up gumming up the works.

It's worth a try.
It was the fact that i didnt have 2.1 on there. installed 2.1 and 2.2 is finishing now!. also i didnt realize it was not like sprecovery where the camera button was click. i had to use the d-pad *hits self in face* Thank you SOOOOOO much for you help and fast responses
You're welcome. I'm glad it worked while I was away, too, because I only got home about 20 minutes ago. :)

I never used stock recovery, so having to use the d-pad was a new one on me, too. Otherwise I'd have suggested it first and possibly saved you some time. My fault! :D