Froyo 3D gallery for Droid X



Don't like the Droid X gallery? Neither do I. You can install the default Android 3d gallery without root.

If you have root, you can also rename the Moto Gallery. /system/app/MediaGallery.apk


    513 KB · Views: 2,502
Nice it reminded me that I needed to hide some pictures on my picasa account :p.
THANKS !!!! this is so much better than the other gallery! I am new to smart phones and every little bit helps !

Thanks again
Is this the "Flikie" one? The one that can be found in the market?


Also, if i just rename or move the original gallery, I can put this one on there and name it "MediaGallery.apk" and it will be the default gallery?
It'll ask you every time you need to open a photo which app to make the default.
When you're in the camera and you click on the picture in the bottom left corner it asks you if you want to view the camera roll in the camera roll (in the old gallery) or in the gallery (new gallery). Is there a way to have it show the camera roll in the new gallery rather than a single folder of all the pictures in the entire gallery? That was kind of hard to explain, sorry.
Thanks! I can't stand the default gallery app.
So aside from just renaming that apk to remove it, do I have to download and install the Froyo version? If so, where so I get it?

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
So aside from just renaming that apk to remove it, do I have to download and install the Froyo version? If so, where so I get it?

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

download and install - links in the first post
ok so what did i screw up, now my phone has no media gallery, i try to open it after taking a picture, and it goes back to the desktop