One of our talented (and lucky to have all three phones) forum members and moderators, jntdroid, went to the trouble to post some great comparison and contrast pics & videos of the display capabilities of the HTC Rezound, the Motorola Droid RAZR, and the Motorola Droid Bionic. He also posted some comparison shots of pics that each phone took, to give us an overall feel for their capabilities.
Here's a description of his methodology,
Below is the source link to his post with a ton of pics and video. Be sure to check them out! Thanks jntdroid!This isn't meant to be an in depth review, but to simply supplement some of the info floating around about these three phones.
- All three phones are set to 50% brightness, running GO Launcher EX with ICS Theme, animations (windows/transitions) set to "fast" (Spare Parts).
- All three are freshly booted, with only the app drawers loaded once already
- The pictures of the screens are meant, mostly, to show the differences in saturation and color on each phone. The strongest "features" of each picture tend to be exaggerated by the camera and don't necessarily look like this in real life - do not forget that as you're looking. I'm a camera idiot... sorry. (taken with Nikon D5000)
- The video resolution isn't the greatest, but again, meant mostly to show a glimpse of navigation "smoothness" and performance. For the life of me I could not get the camera to focus more than it did on the vids.
- Every single picture or video shows them, from left to right, in this order - Rezound, Razr, Bionic