Some general concepts based on last ota's and rooted users.
You will likley get the ota notification. Sprecovery or CW will not allow the installation, but you need to be on the look-out for it. The reason is that on the past 2.1 ota roll out, folks were getting stuck in a battery draining situation where the ota was constantly polling and trying to download and update. One thing to check, a "thing" that was done in the early days was to rename to otacerts.bak. This file is in /system/etc/security. I would suggest checking to make sure your rom maker has not nuked this file, or renamed it. Again, with this file renamed, or you ignoring the ota, you could get into a battery draining situation. My guess is that the rom makers are no longer editing this file, but I would check to be sure.
Back to sprecovery or CW, accept the ota and let it install. These recoveries will block the install, and when the phone reboots nothing will have changed, other than in about phone, your phone will think it is up to date, and you will no longer be bothered by the ota.
The ota is gonna be completely random, and may take days or weeks to reach you. I would not get too anal about checking your phone every few minutes, as this is not gonna help. You will get notification when VZW is ready, no sooner.
I am not up to snuff on easy root or the other ways to easily get root, but if you do not have sprecovery or Cw installed, and are rooted (not even sure this is possible), please be cautious. Please reboot into recovery, and make sure you have either sp or cw. If it is possible to be rooted without cw or sp, this ota will unroot you, and you may have issues getting back to root, easily. Perhaps having to try and sbf (for which we do not have one yet for 2.2 I think), or wait to see if the folks who gave you your rooting solution can apply the process to 2.2.