For those of you to switched from moto droid to X


Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
I was wondering how you feel now that you switched? i was thinking about doing it but worried that it would not feel that much of an upgrade... i kinda enjoy all the rooting and theming i have.. and i kinda wanted a front facing camera... but anyway was it worth the upgrade???
I love it, major, major imporovement. I've been waiting for music controls on the lockcreen, and I love the Fm radio, and it fast. I still have my Droid 1, so if I feel homesick for any reason I can go back. And I have no doubt we will get root.
My main reason for switching was the large screen. No regrets here as it is noticeably faster and easier on the eyes. It's also lighter which helps when using it lying down. I do miss having flash but that's coming soon so it's not a big deal. Honestly I'm not missing root that much although having it is nice. DLNA is a feature I wish the droid had. It's nice to be able to simply turn it on and have my PC access my pictures, music and video on the X without having to connect it. Also having been spoiled by the bigger screen it's hard to move back to anything smaller. If you're on the fence, go check one out yourelf.
My main reason for switching was the large screen. No regrets here as it is noticeably faster and easier on the eyes. It's also lighter which helps when using it lying down. I do miss having flash but that's coming soon so it's not a big deal. Honestly I'm not missing root that much although having it is nice. DLNA is a feature I wish the droid had. It's nice to be able to simply turn it on and have my PC access my pictures, music and video on the X without having to connect it. Also having been spoiled by the bigger screen it's hard to move back to anything smaller. If you're on the fence, go check one out yourelf.

Yeah, It is pretty big. I played with my X for a couple hours, then grabbed my Droid, and though, "It's so small.....".
I got a chance to play with one for a day and I am going to make the jump. I will miss the root, the snappy custom roms, wifi tether and all the tinkering. But the physical large screen is awesome. It brings mobile applications on another level. I am big on the physical keyboard but the touchscreen is very accurate and large that it is very easy to type on.
I love my DroidX. I switched mainly for the screen and HD camera. How thin it was also helped in my decision.
X is WELL over twice as fast (as measured by Quadrant and observed through use), the screen is amazing, and everything just feels better. :) I used my Droid1 to check some settings and it felt so strange using the small screen and slow system. (What's funny is I always felt the Droid1 was great until I tasted the X.) :D

Also, the Droid1 now feels "weird" when I hold it since it's too small. The X is not even close to too big, it's truly perfectly sized.
I completely agree with the post above. The x is no doubt a ton faster than the droid. I used to own a droid. My gf still does. I gta use hers occasionally to he'll her, and i hate using it now. It just feels so weird. Again, the phone ain't too big. It feels like how a phone should be. Its by far the best phone i've ever used and i can't wait for froyo. Its gna improve it so much. If ur thinkin bout gettin an x, don't think, jus do it. I wont be disappointed.
Omg. I did not even notice my typos.i swear it's not me doing it.the auto correct keeps changing my words on me. Lol.
hehehe my droid1 does as well. i will send a text to the wife and she comes back with wtf are you talking about and i look at it and just shake my head. lol
Omg. I did not even notice my typos.i swear it's not me doing it.the auto correct keeps changing my words on me. Lol.
Haha I understand that last bit made me LOL.
The biggest problem I have with auto-correct is it will correct the wrong words.
I'm honestly thinking about getting the X because I can use a buddy upgrade and still have mine waiting for the Droid Pro when it comes out. I'm hesistant to spend 200 bucks however my rooted Droid is so laggy.

I've tried wiping data/cache trying different Roms, played with MinFreeManager, Launcher Pro Memory settings set at high etc.. I'm still having horrible homescreen redraws added with 20 second lag.. The basic function of the phone, the phone itself is unacceptably slow.

Sure rooting has been fun for 4 months but as much as I like changing themes I prefer a more stable and blazing fast battery saving phone with a big nice display. I need some help deciding! Or I guess I'm just trying to complain :) I'm going to get one soon. Must have one before London :)
Don't know about 20 second lag time and being unacceptably slow ^
my setup makes my phone pretty fast, in almost every way. Although I was considering The DX, I think I'm going to hold out just a little longer
Don't know about 20 second lag time and being unacceptably slow ^
my setup makes my phone pretty fast, in almost every way. Although I was considering The DX, I think I'm going to hold out just a little longer

I think I'm going to try your setup. Does the Droid X theme ever lag?