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When I sync my facebook friends to my contacts the name changes to their profile name on facebook and even if I edit it, they don't change. Or if I link two contacts, it picks one of the names and I cant change it to the other. Any way to change the names to what I want?
Its a common issue. There is some hierarchy with the way names are displayed in the contacts. I think I found a fix a while back for facebook contacts. I'll mess around and get back to you.
Well I have a dummy facebook friend for just these sorts of tests named Abe Frohman (extra points if you can tell me what movie that's from although no one ever can)
Anyway I changed abe's name from abe Frohman to dale Frohman and the change stuck first time. Do you have twitter accts also syncd?
Yeah. Only a couple of accounts on twitter so I can keep up with the tech news lol. they aren't linked with any facebook contacts
If it helps, my myspace contacts are synced and linked with people
Ok I ask about twitter because I know that twitter accounts for some reason will never accept a name change and if they are linked they will always be the default display name, kind of selfish if you ask me. Anyway myspace could be the same why but I don't really know. But I digress, so none of your fb contacts will accept a name change eh? Also when you link two contacts which one are you selecting first as in fb>link to>contact or contact> link to> fb?
Don't quite remember if that makes a diff but i'm looking in to it.
Well I have a dummy facebook friend for just these sorts of tests named Abe Frohman (extra points if you can tell me what movie that's from although no one ever can)
Anyway I changed abe's name from abe Frohman to dale Frohman and the change stuck first time. Do you have twitter accts also syncd?
Well I have a dummy facebook friend for just these sorts of tests named Abe Frohman (extra points if you can tell me what movie that's from although no one ever can)
Anyway I changed abe's name from abe Frohman to dale Frohman and the change stuck first time. Do you have twitter accts also syncd?