Extended Battery Question


Jan 7, 2012
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I bought the motorola extended battery and have it in my bionic. I havent turned my bionic on since i put the new battery in. When is says it is 100% charged is it really 100% charged or is it calibrated to the stock battery.
Whenever I charge the extended battery, I always charge it longer.

Of course, what I'm doing is a holdover from the days with my OG Droid and extended battery. Neither the OS Eclair nor Froyo could handle it and gave me a "Charge now, it's at 15%" kind of message long before it was needed. I had to use the Battery Left widget on mV. If it was 4200mV it was charged and at 3500mV it needed charging.

That being said, Gingerbread seems to handle the extended battery better so 100% is really 100%.
I bought the motorola extended battery and have it in my bionic. I havent turned my bionic on since i put the new battery in. When is says it is 100% charged is it really 100% charged or is it calibrated to the stock battery.

I hear that you need to go through a complete drain/charge cycle so that the phone learns the capacity of the battery. Until you do that it could misreport based on the old battery. This is not the same as nicad memory effect - modern batteries do not have memory effect.
So i can turn on my phone while its still charging and it wont decrease potential battery life?

I was always told that you had to let a battery fully charge before you use it otherwise it will never be able to be fully charged/ Battery life takes a major hit.
The memory thing isn't there anymore, but if it does go all the way down, you should get it charging soon to keep the circuit protection alive.

Are you charging via USB or AC? I suggest the latter.
Is there any documentation on the whole discharge/charge completely theory? Everything i've read on batteries doesn't indicate this is helpful and in most cases harmful as it causes greater heat cycling, which in turn will fatigue the battery.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I also use the extended battery. When I first installed it I charged it completely without turning on the phone for about 10 hours (overnight). In the morning I turned on the phone and ran it until the battery showed 1 percent. I then recharged it all the way to 100 percent again. I did this two more times, just because. I read that this is not necessary but I did it anyway. The problem with this is that the extended battery does NOT drain fast. I used every single thing I could on the phone to make the batter drain faster, including leaving the screen on, playing games, music, surfing the web, downloading huge files, etc. I even let it go in a bad cell signal area. It still took nearly 20 hours the first time.

Oh - one more thing. Get yourself an application that gives you 1-percent increment measurements. I use Circle Battery Widget. Great app.
I use Battery Circle myself. It's not a widget, but sits in your notification bar. When you pull the bar down it tells you the battery temperature, voltage and how long since unplugged. And like Circle Battery, it gives you battery measurements in single digit increments.
I use Battery Circle myself. It's not a widget, but sits in you notification bar. When you pull the bar down it tells you the battery temperature, voltage and how long since unplugged. And like Circle Battery, it gives you battery measurements in single digit increments.

That is cool! I just replaced Circle Battery with Battery Circle. Cleared up some real estate. Thanks!