So I had my Motorola Droid Bionic from the time it was released up until 2 months ago when it stopped recognizing my SIM card, Verizon replaced it for free since I have the protection package. The only negative thing about it was I had to use the battery from the original phone. This battery seems to be on it's way out in my opinion. First of all the battery gets very hot, a few times it got up to 110 F according to my battery app. Secondly, it feels like the battery life has taken a real nose dive since I got it. Under heavy use (Watching YouTube video subscriptions on my 4G connection) the battery will be on it's last leg in under 3 hours, when it's in standby it will last 6 hours maybe before it's down to 20%. For the past few months I have been eyeballing this BW8X Extended Battery that is on Amazon for $28. I was just wondering if this is the best extended life battery and if you guys would recommend it? My concern is it a simple plug and play or do I have to calibrate it to take advantage of it's full capacity? My phone isn't rooted an I am worried that to calibrate it I will have to go through this process which I don't want to do. Thanks.