Exchange Services DESTROYING Battery Life


Apr 16, 2010
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Hey guys. I had my work email set up in the corporate email app, and it was set up using exchange (my work uses Microsoft Outlook for email).

So I set up my phone to receive my work email, and just recently bought an extended battery. Just after buying and installing the extended battery (which I don't think has anything to do with the real root issue), I noticed "Exchange Services" completely demolishing my battery life.

So I removed the exchange work email account, but Exchange Services is still killing my battery life.

I do have my Hotmail set up in the corporate email app via POP3.

Anyone have any idea what is going on here or how I can fix it? I've done lots of research but can't seem to figure it out. Please help! See attached screenshot. Thank you!
Yes I've changed sync frequency. I just don't understand how exchange services is killing my battery still after removing the exchange account...
Removed all accounts from corporate email app. Cleared data and cache in corporate email and exchange services. Added accounts back to corporate email app.

Thank you for your recommendation for a fix.