Easily apply the Webtop Hack to your Motorola Device with Neptop APP, w/ No Hackery!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Nebtop is a universal HDMI Webtop mod. This will allow you to activate webtop and the virtual keyboard and mouse on your device with just an HDMI cable. No need to spend $100 on an expensive webtop adapter. This does not modify the webtop partition in your system in anyway so it can not result in a brick. This App works on several Motorola devices including Razr, Razr Maxx, Droid4, Bionic, Atrix4g Atrix2, and the Photon4G. It is incredibly easy to use. Simply connect your phone to the HDMI input on your monitor, open the app and select launch, then select webtop from the menu that pops up. Webtop will instantly boot!

Grab the app from the Play Store
Gonna keep an eye on this. Most Bionic ROMS already had this functionality included, but I might need this in the future
The Droid 3 can be found in the video description but that seems to be wrong because the Droid 3 doesn't have webtop support neither before nor after installing Nebtop.
The free version of that app can be found here.
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