Early upgrade


Feb 26, 2011
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My next upgrade is Feb 14th. I want a galaxy nexus as a Christmas gift to myself :p and I was just wondering if there is any way to talk verizon into letting my get one a month and a half early.

We're very long time customers, never missed a payment, always upgrade when we get the chance, is there anyway those facts could help me in talking a rep into letting me upgrade early? I'm even willing to buy a couple accessories in the process if that helps nudge them in the right direction.

Anyone have experience with this?
They wont let you upgrade early. I asks them yesterday. An upgrade for one of my lines is in January. I asked if I would be able to use it now and said no.
I'm can get an early upgrade right now :D waiting for the droid 4..soo excited!!

Not sure how the early upgrade thing works, but I've pretty much used it everytime.
I don't know if it depends on the contract or what, but I have a 2 year contract, and I become eligible for early upgrade approximately halfway into the 2 years (1 year in)
If you're the account holder (I don't know if that's the correct term) go on the verizon website and it should let you know there.
My two years runs out in Feb also. I went to my local Verizon yesterday and asked when I was able to upgrade, he said I could now, for a $20 early upgrade fee.
When I called today trying to get one they told me that I could since I am not even 2 weeks away. However, I could not use it on a 4g device, so that to me meant that I could not.
Depends on the mood of the rep you're working with I guess? They never really let me upgrade earlier, I just take another line's upgrade lol. If you're maybe like a week til official upgrade date they'll let you
It might but I have bad luck, I was denied a couple times. One time the rep elevated me to her supervisor and he shot me down. I just decided to wait it out since I am not terribly far away. I just figured I would give it a shot.
It might but I have bad luck, I was denied a couple times. One time the rep elevated me to her supervisor and he shot me down. I just decided to wait it out since I am not terribly far away. I just figured I would give it a shot.
Doesn't hurt. I know how much you want a Nexus already:D
That's what I figured, it was worth a shot. But I am a patient being and I will be fine waiting :icon_ lala:
Will you still go for a nexus after CES though!? ;) That is the question! :D

This wants to be sent from my Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Unless something truly amazing comes up, yes. I don't buy into the "next big thing" thing. I want the G-nex because, well, it's a Nexus :biggrin:
I called customer service today and said my TB speaker broke. He said he could get me an upgrade but not for a nexus, razr or rezound because they are iconic devices and they're reserved for people who have available upgrades.

Ill try directly calling some close stores tomorrow but I expect the same answer

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I've heard of VZW allowing early upgrades for a user with an April renewal date, so I'm surprised they wouldn't budge on two weeks. Personally, I was due in the end of January and they gave me an early NE2 last weekend. Not sure if it matters, but I was calling the 800 number instead of 611 because my existing phone was non-functional.
I have been having speaker issues which is the reasoning I used when I called. I got the OK to get an upgrade early but they said it had to be any non 4g phone. Seeing as I have 4g here I want to get a device that does so I just figured I would wait. I rarely make calls anyway so it's not too big a deal to me.
I was due for upgrade in January but I needed a new phone in November. They said I could get an early upgrade for $20 since I was the primary account holder.

My wife's upgrade is due in February, but they wont let her upgrade early.

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