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Droid X touchscreen hyper-sensitive after being locked


New Member
I have recently encountered a problem on my Droid X where the touchscreen becomes hyperactive after its been locked for a while. I'm not sure how long it takes, but it seems like anything more than an hour. It only lasts a few minutes, but is very, very annoying.

When I say hypersensitive, I mean that every keypress becomes four or five. This makes swyping very, very difficult (yes I know how to use it). The problem also occurs when dialing numbers or tying to switch between home screens. This makes me think that its not just swype or handcent that are messing up, but the droid x itself.

For example, the phrase "How are you?" becomes "Hhhhhhhhhooww arrrrreeee took youuuuuuuu nm?"

I have been using a blackberry storm 2 charger up until last night, when I switched to my moto charger based on advice I found on this forum. I still have this problem however.

I was wondering if it was moisture-related (as I have to wear gloves at work and my hands get sweaty), but it still does this whether or not my hands are dry.

I have tried twice to take it to the Verizon store, but both times it fixed itself seconds before I walked in (very frustrating!). Both times it was "misbehaving" when I started walking, and fixed itself by the time I got there (10 min walk)

Has anyone else encountered this?
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I have encountered this problem with high humidity and moisture, in fact, my touchscreen won't even function when in high humidity environment. I try wiping the screen dry and wiping my hands yet can't unlock the touchscreen as it won't respond.
Also, when texting, my screen goes wacco jumping all over like it's shorting out. Seems like the only way to bring it back is to open the keyboard, close it, press the sleep/power button to put in sleep mode, repush the sleep/power button and then unlock the screen and go back into the text application and it seems to work fine, until the next random incident.
Any ideas?
Ive had this same exact issue since new on the X and its driving ,me nuts...my original droid never did it... I work outside,and this summer temps were in the 90s.If I answered the phone,and my face was wet from sweat,when i was done with the call,the same thing,screen frozen,I cannot end the call.....I cant text,the screen is flipping out freezing and spazzing out like its shorted out.I have to wait about a minute,and sleep/wake the phone a few times,and usually it will work....
Problem resolved--sort of

As an update: I took my phone to technical support and had them look at it. They couldn't figure anything out so they asked me to do a factory reset. That actually made it worse.....

Anyhoo, I called Verizon again and they shipped me a new phone because I was still within my 30 day return period.

Since then, I have been using both my moto charger and a BB storm 2 charger without problems. It might just be my case, but to me that says that the problem wasn't with the charger, as is often asserted here.