So i was listening to music on my droid x using wired headphones on my way into work the other day and all the sudden i start feeling a few small shocks in my ears, i think hm i guess my head phones went bad, so when i got home i changed to a different set of wired headphones, wow and behold i'm walking into work and here we go shocking me again. so i said ok they were stored roughly the same place maybe something went bad on these too, off to walmart i go and but a brand new set of headphones, open the packaging plug it into the phone, start listening to music and BAM i get shocked yet again. now you can not tell me 3 headphones one of which is brand new is i call verizon wireless and i get this response "well you should just stop listening to music then" i mean really???? stop using the phone for one of the purposes? what the hell did i buy the phone for then if i can't use it for one of the main purposes???? then they tried to tell me that it wasn't the phone it was my headphones and that i would need to buy a $50 pair from them because that was obviously the problem. now i've been using these headphones with ALL my phones including the droid X for years and never had a problem untill now. anyone else know of this problem or experienced it themselves? any ideas on what could be causing it and how i can get verizon to stop being utter morons and expecting someone to pay an arm and leg for a phone that desn't work?