Droid X, Droid Incredible now Flash 10.1 Certified


Staff member
Oct 20, 2009
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Adobe has added a couple of new Droid's to their Flash Player 10.1 Certified Device List. The Droid Incredible slides into the "Currently Available" list with the recent Android 2.2 update. The Droid X and Samsung Galaxy Tab appear under the "Coming Soon" devices. Hopefully this is one more sign we'll see a Froyo update for the X roll out in the near future.

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 certified devices
With all the top-flight Android phones being Flash-capable and the gaming industry starting to move to include Android, it seems our little green friend is finally assuming the industry-leading position it deserves.

Here's hoping! Now if we could just get Google to enforce SOME standards on the market and more iOS developers to start porting things... :)
I notice "FRG22C or higher" for the Droid. Kinda interesting, another sub-build we never heard of, that was obviously replaced. ;)
I thought they said the Droid wasn't "capable" to run Flash? Or... was I reading something else?