Droid X Apex Question


Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score

I have a quick couple of Questions..

First off I am new so be easy on me not sure if I am breaking any rule making this topic in this section.

1: I just recently installed the latest version of Apex 1.4.1 my question however is. What is data throttling and is it illegal if I disable it and or will my phone provider charge me more if its disabled?

2: in the toolbox of apex I disabled data throttling does that mean my data will no longer be limited? Meaning instead of getting 50/75kbs I will get my normal 120/200kbs?

3: I am also New to rooting. Is there any cool applications for apex or rooted phones you can suggest?

Thank you Guys/Gals!

Edit: I hate droids auto spellchecker

Editx2: I have unlimited data plan with Verizon

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Question #3 my response is Titanium Backup then look at Jrummys Apps

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Data throttling, search for it. It basically is verizon limiting the speeds of your 3g on your phone. They do this if you use a lot of data or live in a heavy traffic area. Disabling it makes it so they don't limit your data, usually resulting in higher download and upload speeds.
As far as root apps,

Titanium Backup is good if you want to switch ROMS and have all data and apps on the new ROM.

Wireless Tether for Root Users.

ShootMe screen capturing.

AutoKiller Memory Optomizer - Tweaks android's natural task managing system, so it free's memory (WAY BETTER THAN TASK KILLERS)

Root Explorer for looking through system files

Droid X Overclock...

Not sure what else. :)
Best recommendation try apps out that's what works best for me

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