So, I dropped my phone. I know, we've heard this before, bear with me. I dropped my phone and cracked the digitizer glass, but thankfully not the display. So I called a local repair shop and he told me $35 for parts $80 for service. Seemed steep so I did some research, turns out this isn't too hard to replace. Sigh.
So I ordered the part and got to work. Everything went fine till I had to reconnect the ZIF connector. I couldn't get it to seat right, but did my best. Got it started, feeling pretty good about myself for stripping this thing down and watching it turn on, and was saddened to discover that the touch panel has huge gaps and won't recognize lots of inputs. Curses. So I dig back in. Sure enough the Zif is crooked.
Let it all the way out and try again. This time I use a pair of spudgers to really gently provide pressure to keep it up against the back of the socket while I lower the gate. I'm feeling pretty good about it, close it back up and turn it on. Still nothing.
Hmph. Well maybe I got a bad panel, so I set about contacting the seller about a return (not an pleasant prospect considering the amount of adhesive that's in there and the fact that I will have to be with that phone during the return process) when my wife calls. And I can't hear her. I must have done something to the speaker while replacing it and am mortified at how easy that's going to be to fix.
So, here I am, phone only works on speakerphone. Touch panel only works some of the time. And all this after I finally got 6.1.2 and all of my favorite android features working pristinely. GAAACH!
So what do you yall think? I'm several months from being able to upgrade through Verizon and this phone has lived a pretty good life, all told. Should I just put it to rest and try and pick-up a used droid on the cheap? Or should I soldier on and fix the speaker and replace the panel again? Anyone have any tips on fixing the speaker?
So I ordered the part and got to work. Everything went fine till I had to reconnect the ZIF connector. I couldn't get it to seat right, but did my best. Got it started, feeling pretty good about myself for stripping this thing down and watching it turn on, and was saddened to discover that the touch panel has huge gaps and won't recognize lots of inputs. Curses. So I dig back in. Sure enough the Zif is crooked.
Let it all the way out and try again. This time I use a pair of spudgers to really gently provide pressure to keep it up against the back of the socket while I lower the gate. I'm feeling pretty good about it, close it back up and turn it on. Still nothing.
Hmph. Well maybe I got a bad panel, so I set about contacting the seller about a return (not an pleasant prospect considering the amount of adhesive that's in there and the fact that I will have to be with that phone during the return process) when my wife calls. And I can't hear her. I must have done something to the speaker while replacing it and am mortified at how easy that's going to be to fix.
So, here I am, phone only works on speakerphone. Touch panel only works some of the time. And all this after I finally got 6.1.2 and all of my favorite android features working pristinely. GAAACH!
So what do you yall think? I'm several months from being able to upgrade through Verizon and this phone has lived a pretty good life, all told. Should I just put it to rest and try and pick-up a used droid on the cheap? Or should I soldier on and fix the speaker and replace the panel again? Anyone have any tips on fixing the speaker?