I'm looking at upgrading to the Razr HD as well and that was the thing that made me look at other phones is the camera. I did go and play with it in the store and I'll say the camera seems fast (though I'm coming from GB so ANYTHING will be better than what I've got) and it looks okay as far as quality. It definitely isn't as nice as the camera on the Droid DNA or the Samsung GS3 and Note II. But it works and it's attached to a great all around smartphone in every other respect. I wa considering the Note II for some time (it's still there in the back of my mind since that screen is great for viewing video) but it is just so huge. Plus the plastic feels cheap, and TouchWiz is visually annoying. The Razr HD is a nice size, it's very handsome, it feels solid, and it gets great battery life, and while the screen isn't as big as the Note II, or as sharp as the Droid DNA, it's still a 720p screen that is bright and of a respectable size.
Also one thing that tipped me over the edge in considering the Razr HD is that it's a penny on Amazon Wireless right now, and free on wirefly for existing customers upgrading. But the sale ends on the 31st so don't wait long if you know that it's what you want.