Droid Music Issue


Feb 20, 2010
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We recently got two Droids for my wife and myself. I was able to transfer mp3 files from my computer to both Droids. However, my wife decided she wanted more mp3s put on her Droid. So, when I put those mp3s on it, the Droid did not recognize these mp3s. I then noticed that when I removed a few mp3s, that those mp3s remained listed in the music player, but would not play of course. I then tested these issues on my Droid and they appear to work fine, no issues.

After reading a few posts and other web sites, I formatted the SD memory card and copy the mp3s back. Same results. I then tried clearing the cache, however, when I go into the Manage Applications, her "Music" app isn't there. Does anyone have a solution to the above issues and how I might get the Music app back on the Manage Applications?

Thank you,
The saga continues. I was able to get a few more music files to be recognized and played by transferring them over via blue tooth. Then I wiped the sd card again and tried using Motorola Music Link, which provided me with some really great information. Basically several of the files seemed to be missing either the album title, artist name, or song name. Thus I used a program third party program that allowed me to add this information easily. This did result in even more songs to show on my wife's phone, pretty much fixing the issue. However, there were still a few songs that I still have not figured out why they are not being recognized by her Droid.

However, what I really do not understand is why I have to go through all of these steps to resolve a majority of the issues with the songs not appearing on my wife's Droid, when I can simply copy them over from my computer to my own Droid and play perfectly fine. Anyone???
This may not work, but perhaps try a third party music player, such as mixzing. I have 11 gigs of music on my sd, and when you open mixzing for the first time it actually scans your sd card... for 11 gigs it was about ten minutes, I needed to edit some of the tags to correct it from saying unknown artist/albumn/songname, but I think it recognizes all 11 gigs... kind of hard to tell I guess. Try that and let me know if you are still having issues, I might not catch this thread again, so you could try sending me a pm, and I will do what I can to help if you dont get it solved.
I strongly recommend that you download "DoubleTwist" to your computer and handle transfer of mp3's to yours and your wife's droid via that route. It will give you an iTunes-like interface for managing playlists and synchronizing the songs on both of your droids.
MP3 transferred to the Droid might not appear in the music player until the sdcard is rescanned for new media content. This is always done when the Droid is powered off and back on, but you can use the SDrescan app to force a scan without having to power off.
This may not work, but perhaps try a third party music player, such as mixzing. I have 11 gigs of music on my sd, and when you open mixzing for the first time it actually scans your sd card... for 11 gigs it was about ten minutes, I needed to edit some of the tags to correct it from saying unknown artist/albumn/songname, but I think it recognizes all 11 gigs... kind of hard to tell I guess. Try that and let me know if you are still having issues, I might not catch this thread again, so you could try sending me a pm, and I will do what I can to help if you dont get it solved.

I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your suggestion, however this did not work as well. Although I think I will continue using it.

Thank you
Another suggestion, I scanned through your OP real quick again, and didn't see you mention where on the sd card you were putting them. I assume you aren't throwing them all willy nilly on it, and you are putting them in a folder labeled Music, or Media right?
MP3 transferred to the Droid might not appear in the music player until the sdcard is rescanned for new media content. This is always done when the Droid is powered off and back on, but you can use the SDrescan app to force a scan without having to power off.

I tried this and here's the interesting thing. On my phone it usually takes about 2 or 3 minutes to complete, however it never completes on my wife's phone.

I'm beginning to think that it's actually the sd card. I did insert the sd card in my computer and ran a scan on it using Windows scan disc, and defrag. But that didn't seem to have helped. Thus I switched the cards out and ran the SDrescan. The sd card (my card) now in my wife's phone completed with in a few minutes, and the sd card (her card) now in my phone keeps on running, and running, and running...

I wonder if Verizon will exchange the card that they provided for the phone less than a month ago... I'd give them back the useless 2 gb sd cards they gave us with the package if they did.

So now, I have to ask...Anyone know of a good sd card scanner that might fix issues with the sd card???