So I went into the hot tub with my RAZR MAXX in the pocket of my swim shorts and was in there for about a good 3-5min max (haha). Anyway put it in some dry white rice for about 11-12 hours and tried turning it on, but didn't worked. When I plugged it in, it flashed a white light for a brief second and a weak red light. After a little bit it didn't make any light at all. I then tried putting it in 91% isopropyl alcohol around 3 hours ago and left it in for an hour. Nothing worked. I managed to take the back off and the battery out and found it looked all rusty and clean it a little and soak it in the alcohol and clean it again. I then plugged it into the charger again and I got only the weak little red light and now I am leaving it to charge.
I was wondering what the weak red LED light indicate as well as what the best thing I should do now is. Should I put it in the rice with the battery out?
I was wondering what the weak red LED light indicate as well as what the best thing I should do now is. Should I put it in the rice with the battery out?