Bob Dammit
Super Moderator
Here is a list of Droid Eris ROMs. I complied the list from the following sources:
Hopefully the list will remain up to date, if you find more to add, or need to have some unsupported ROMs removed from the list, let me know.
The standard disclaimer applies:
Anything you do to your phone is by your own decision. There is always an inherent danger to flashing your phone, and irreparable damage is always a possibility. The Developers of said ROMs, host message boards of said ROMs, DroidForums, myself, or anyone else are not responsible for any damage to your phone, damage to your personal relationships, damage to the economy, the collapse of modern society, visits from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, or anything else that might go wrong in your life. Flash these ROMs at YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!
Here is the list:
Hopefully the list will remain up to date, if you find more to add, or need to have some unsupported ROMs removed from the list, let me know.
The standard disclaimer applies:
Anything you do to your phone is by your own decision. There is always an inherent danger to flashing your phone, and irreparable damage is always a possibility. The Developers of said ROMs, host message boards of said ROMs, DroidForums, myself, or anyone else are not responsible for any damage to your phone, damage to your personal relationships, damage to the economy, the collapse of modern society, visits from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, or anything else that might go wrong in your life. Flash these ROMs at YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!
Here is the list:
Cupcake (Android 1.5)
Retro1 ROM - A flash from the past. Flash back to cupcake (stock). 2 versions, v1 allows OTS updates, it is an easy way to flash back to stock (unrooted). v2 blocks OTA updates.
Donut (Android v1.6)
Eclair (Android v2.0/2.1)
FroYo (Android v2.2)
TazzFroyo - vanilla
KaosLegend This is a rom based on a Froyo dump from the HTC Wildfire(Previous version on a Legend dump for 2.1).
Cyanogen Tazz-By tazzpatriot
Nonsensikal-By listyb01
KaosFroyo-By punk.kaos
Buufed-By tazzpatriot
CELB Froyo-By Conap
Donut (Android v1.6)
Eclair (Android v2.0/2.1)
FlashBack21 -Return to Factory StockThis ROM is intended for reverting a rooted Eris with a custom recovery to the July 2010 2.1 OTA ROM.
Evil Eris v4.0(HTC Sense UI-Android 2.1)No longer supported by devo, basically discontinued.
xtrROM Vanilla Rom
xtrSENSE xtr with full sense
ErisLightningBolt Non-sense based ROM
Droid Does
Evil Eris v4.0(HTC Sense UI-Android 2.1)No longer supported by devo, basically discontinued.
xtrROM Vanilla Rom
xtrSENSE xtr with full sense
ErisLightningBolt Non-sense based ROM
Droid Does
FroYo (Android v2.2)
KaosLegend This is a rom based on a Froyo dump from the HTC Wildfire(Previous version on a Legend dump for 2.1).
Cyanogen Tazz-By tazzpatriot
Nonsensikal-By listyb01
KaosFroyo-By punk.kaos
Buufed-By tazzpatriot
CELB Froyo-By Conap