droid 4 battery


Aug 19, 2011
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I wonder if there will be a battery update on the droid 4 like there was on the droid 3
What kind of battery update was there on the Droid 3? I am coming from a D2 so please enlighten me.

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It made the battery life better. I noticed it too
I wonder if there will be a battery update on the droid 4 like there was on the droid 3

Just root your phone. Then you won't have to worry about a battery update. I rooted last week and my battery life is phenomenal now that I am running SetCPU.
Im not trying to brick it. I got a feeling ill do sumting wrong
So i cant brick it in any way?

I'm not sure about that, but the instructional video I found online (youtube: droid 4 root) was so easy to follow and I encountered zero issues during the process. Totally worth the risk, in my opinion.

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I wonder if there will be a battery update on the droid 4 like there was on the droid 3

You might be thinking of the RAZR. It was re-released as the RAZR MAXX with NO difference at all except a bigger 3.3 amp battery. Or maybe you mean that there was an early OTA for the D3 that idk about that addressed battery life.

Either way, this post relates to your question:

Btw, I heard from a very reliable source that D4maxx could be announced as early as July with a hardware upgrade. Th hardware speculation is the screen so for those who can wait maybe a decent option. Of course these are rumors and no real guarantees and even if it is announced in the summer who knows how long for release.

Perspective instantiates reality.
( By DX w/DF app. )
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I got my Droid 4 a couple of days ago. It's my first smartphone, so I've been playing with it a lot more than I expect to once I get over the initial novelty. I've been getting about 24 hours per full charge without really messing with any settings. After all the complaints I read on the forum, this is much better than I expected.
I got my Droid 4 a couple of days ago. It's my first smartphone, so I've been playing with it a lot more than I expect to once I get over the initial novelty. I've been getting about 24 hours per full charge without really messing with any settings. After all the complaints I read on the forum, this is much better than I expected.

Get the paid version of titanium backup pro and read the list of bloatware apps to freeze and get juice defender to really eek out that last bit and you'll be good to go!
Also rooting your phone and underclocking can help tremendously.
You can't brick it. The bootloader is locked.

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It can be bricked with the bootloader being locked.. Since it's locked, it probably increases the chances of bricks due to modding methods being confusing because of the workarounds. However it is very easy to root. And there are no SBF or fastboot files to possibly fix the brick if it were to occur, so the choice is yours.
Rooting itself cannot brick your phone. Their is a droid 4 utility available from mattlgroff (or something like that) that does it in less than 2min. Just make sure you have a good amount of charge on your phone so it doesn't die in the process. The only way you are going to brick it is by freezing vital system apps or flashing roms either 1) not meant for the D4
2) flashing outside the safety of safestrap or
3) not following the directions given in the op of whatever hack/mod you are attempting.
I would suggest that someone that has never flashed a rom or is new to android and moto phones especially avoid doing anything beyond rooting until the fastboot files get leaked to us. Something else to remember is that until we have a deodexed stock rom that you avoid changing any of your icons via rom toolbox or any other means as that will also cause some issues.

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As far as the battery is concerned i have been running now for 15hrs on rooted stock with a few of the bloat apps frozen and still have 30% left. I am very impressed with battery life so far.

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