droid 3 software update

Can anyone confirm that they've installed the update using Clockwork?

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thought I had the right file went through rm it but when it reboooted al the #s in about phone are the same as they where :(
first post asking thing is a bit lame but...
Could you please pass the update to me as well? I also have a rooter droid 3 with cwm recovery? Is it safe to flash?
I just installed the 5.6.890.XT862.Verizon.en.US onto my phone...
Hoping that it fixes the battery and lag issues I've been having...
I just installed the 5.6.890.XT862.Verizon.en.US onto my phone...
Hoping that it fixes the battery and lag issues I've been having...

If you want to fix lag issues move all of your apps that are on Media Area to Phone...if any.

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I want to install this update. Where can I get the update and install it correctly? the OTA wait is killing me!
I want to install this update. Where can I get the update and install it correctly? the OTA wait is killing me!<br><br>
And...is this the update that is going to be sent OTA? I dont want to mess up my phone, settings, apps, etc. Just want to make sure before I do the update.
Will the update remove any apps installed or settings?
It didn't change one thing from my phone, but I haven't really played with it much...
I was actually bricked for a while...not because of this update, but because I also installed the deodexed unbloated update.
I was not happy with it because I lost the Messaging App (deal breaker cuz I really like that one)
Unfortunately the Backup that I had was based off of the 5.5.959=bootloop.
It actually took me a VERY long time to find the appropriate file to use to SBF. But I'm back!
And...is this the update that is going to be sent OTA? I dont want to mess up my phone, settings, apps, etc. Just want to make sure before I do the update.

I honestly do not know the answer to that one...sorry.

Edit....It doesn't mess anything up...I don't know what will happen when the "Official" OTA comes out.
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Well...her goes nothing. i am installing it. Will we still get the OTA update? Because this is not the final update, correct?
Installed fine. Nothing is messed up that I can tell so far. Will have to try the camera now. I do not see the new Google talk video chat. I see an icon called Talk. Is that it?