New Member
i've been running MavRom 4.5 for several months now. Prior to that, Eclipse, Liberty, and firstly stockrom.
anyway, i finally got fed up with the front camera not working (not that i expected KEXEC to remedy that) and the lock screen freezing, so i decided to go for something new.
i read that KEXEC JellyBean CM10.1 had a nightly build that finally fixed the sound issues, and downloaded it immediately.
i understand there are specific procedures to flashing for each rom, but when i didn't see any on the official page i just flashed it with cwm recovery as i did all prior roms. to be honest, i was in a hurry, and overly confident i could recover from whatever errors i would create in my impatience.
what i did:
1) titanium backup all apps and settings to external sd
2) reboot into cwm recovery via droid 3 bootloader (did NOT use safestrap)
3) factory reset/wipe cache/wipe dalvik cache -all twice
4) installed rom's .zip file, which just had a loading bar; no neat ASCII art like liberty or maverick
5) considered installing gapps, but decided to do it later since it didn't specify to do it immediately in rom page
6) rebooted
7) realized after 10 minutes my phone was not going to pass "dual core technology" screen
annnddddd, here i am.
so, all i think i know, now seeing i should have had .906 to begin with, is that Mav was based on 5.7.905 from the change logs.
what unbrick method should i use? the .890 or the .906?
or have i entered an even darker realm of screw-ups, not yet traversed by modern man?
anyway, i finally got fed up with the front camera not working (not that i expected KEXEC to remedy that) and the lock screen freezing, so i decided to go for something new.
i read that KEXEC JellyBean CM10.1 had a nightly build that finally fixed the sound issues, and downloaded it immediately.
i understand there are specific procedures to flashing for each rom, but when i didn't see any on the official page i just flashed it with cwm recovery as i did all prior roms. to be honest, i was in a hurry, and overly confident i could recover from whatever errors i would create in my impatience.
what i did:
1) titanium backup all apps and settings to external sd
2) reboot into cwm recovery via droid 3 bootloader (did NOT use safestrap)
3) factory reset/wipe cache/wipe dalvik cache -all twice
4) installed rom's .zip file, which just had a loading bar; no neat ASCII art like liberty or maverick
5) considered installing gapps, but decided to do it later since it didn't specify to do it immediately in rom page
6) rebooted
7) realized after 10 minutes my phone was not going to pass "dual core technology" screen
annnddddd, here i am.
so, all i think i know, now seeing i should have had .906 to begin with, is that Mav was based on 5.7.905 from the change logs.
what unbrick method should i use? the .890 or the .906?
or have i entered an even darker realm of screw-ups, not yet traversed by modern man?