Hello all. Ive got a rooted droid 2 that is having an issue where it will not wake from sleep and will randomly reboot itself. When the screen times out most of the time pressing the powerbutton will not wake the phone back up, nor will sliding out the keyboard. If i press the powerbutton 5 or 6 times then let the phone sit for 2-3 minutes the screen often will eventually turn back on. If it doesnt the only thing to do is pull the battery. Sometimes, randomly, the screen will be off and the phone will decide on its own to reboot itself. I have had these problems since I first got the phone, before I decided to root it. Anyone have any ideas? This phone was a replacement for a D1, of which I had 3 warranty replacements, each one worse than the last. (First one i bought screen stopped working after 6 months, first replacement froze constantly after 2.2 update, second arrived with a faulty ear speaker, third was DOA)