Droid 2 no display just dim backlight


New Member
Jan 30, 2012
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Yesterday my phone display was perfectly fine then i went to make a call and it wouldn't show a display just a dim back light. i thought it was just being slow so i waited until the menu, home, back, and search button stopped lighting up then i hit the lock button again and still the same thing i tried to unlock it and it vibrated like it does when you unlock it but still no display. i had my wife call me and went though i just had no display. I have seen other people post about this but no one has gotten a solution. does anyone have trouble shooting or a way to fix it i can try? any help is appreciated. Thanks
do you have a screen protector? could be messing with light or proximity sensors
The screen back light sounds like it has failed. You although it could be just an android software issue. Try a battery pull then report back

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
The screen back light sounds like it has failed. You although it could be just an android software issue. Try a battery pull then report back

i have pulled the battery over night and it is still not working

any other tips or suggetstions welcome thank you themib and skyshadow for your tips
sounds like backlight, no response when you connect to charger?
i have pulled the battery over night and it is still not working

any other tips or suggetstions welcome thank you themib and skyshadow for your tips

You have two options.
1. Buy a new screen assembly on eBay for your phone and install it yourself.
2. Buy a new phone through verizon or a used one through eBay.
This of course only applies if the year warrenty on your phone is up. If you are still under warranty then just call verizon and get a refurb for nothing.

Also you may want to try fighting with verizon and see if they will do anything for you cause that's ridiculous that your phone failed like that. Depending on how many years you have been with them they might do something for you.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
sounds like backlight, no response when you connect to charger?

nope when i connect the charger the side light that is on when it is charging comes on but no display and still the dim back light

is there a fix other then to get a new phone for the back light because i don't have insurance on that phone and don't have an upgrade till October lol
You have two options.
1. Buy a new screen assembly on eBay for your phone and install it yourself.
2. Buy a new phone through verizon or a used one through eBay.
This of course only applies if the year warrenty on your phone is up. If you are still under warranty then just call verizon and get a refurb for nothing.

Also you may want to try fighting with verizon and see if they will do anything for you cause that's ridiculous that your phone failed like that. Depending on how many years you have been with them they might do something for you.

how hard is it to install?
yeah i have an upgrade in October and didn't want to buy one if there was a fix
i may call them and see what they say never hurts to ask right?

Thank you for all your help Themib and Skyshadow
how hard is it to install?
yeah i have an upgrade in October and didn't want to buy one if there was a fix
i may call them and see what they say never hurts to ask right?

Thank you for all your help Themib and Skyshadow

How long have you been a customer of verizon? Also it is a little difficult if you don't have much technical experience but there are video tutorials on YouTube you can watch

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
How long have you been a customer of verizon? Also it is a little difficult if you don't have much technical experience but there are video tutorials on YouTube you can watch

I have been a customer for going on 3 years
I will watch the videos before I decide then

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
I have been a customer for going on 3 years
I will watch the videos before I decide then

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums

Yes please get back to me if you need advice on how to handle verizon

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
LCD backlight off after 20 minutes of battery charging.

My Droid 2 don't know if in warranty because I bought from UK London, and would appreciate if someone of you experienced similar problems as I don't know its history. I just saw the battery logo waving until 20% but before putting the plug it was dead.
Thank you.

Yes please get back to me if you need advice on how to handle verizon

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
SAME..had to pull battery.
Some strange crap happening to this POS lately.

Numerous Shut down's & reboots esp. while charging.
GPS going offline during car charge.
Locking during boot. @4 min.
Case heating up..more than normal during charge, tried 3 diff batts. same..
Camera freeze ..too often.

I have ext. warranty ..Prol get same hunk of plastic.