Here's a few lockscreen icons I've been messing with. For right now, this is the only color I have.
Sorry, no screen shots of them on the phone. There's 27 total icons that I've changed. Here's a few to get an idea.
How to Install
Follow this guide to install these: I know it says SoftKeys, but the process is the same. These icons will be placed in the Framework-res.apk, not the SystemUI.apk. Using 7zip(described in the How-To link), the framework-res.apk will be located here; \system\framework\framework-res.apk\res\drawable-xhdpi. Or just use the folder names inside the zip file to know where to place them.
Note: If you're on GummyNex & have the lockscreen set to display the 4 icons, you probably have 2 stars. If you want to change those, they are called, zzic_lockscreen_custom_one_activated.png, zzic_lockscreen_custom_one_normal.png, zzic_lockscreen_custom_two_activated.png & zzic_lockscreen_custom_two_normal.png in the drawable-xhdpi folder of the framework-res.apk.
Also: When you get a phone call, the icon that shows up(the one that looks like a phone) is in the phone.apk\res\drawable-xhdpi & is called ic_in_call_touch_handle_normal.png. If you want that one changed also, you'll have to edit that one in the phone.apk. It's not taken/used from the framework-res.apk. But it's the same one as the ic_lockscreen_answer_normal.png in the drawable-xhdpi in the framework-res.apk.
I don't feel that I'm completely done with all the icons, so check back from time to time.
Custom Blue Lockscreen Icons:
(These are just some of the icons. There's 24 in all in the zip. Also include the ic_lockscreen_chevron's from the pictures above. Those are the ones that look like parenthesis)
The zip file for these include 2 folders. Use them to know where to place these icons in your rom.
They're just like the 2nd set. 24 icons with 2 folders inside the zip file
The Lock Screen Icons <--Same link for all sets.
If for some reason you swap out icons & your not showing any changes or end up with missing icons, check the file names of your original icons that came with your rom. There may be a chance that your rom calls them something else. In that case, just rename the ones I have to what your rom calls them.
Sorry, no screen shots of them on the phone. There's 27 total icons that I've changed. Here's a few to get an idea.

How to Install
Follow this guide to install these: I know it says SoftKeys, but the process is the same. These icons will be placed in the Framework-res.apk, not the SystemUI.apk. Using 7zip(described in the How-To link), the framework-res.apk will be located here; \system\framework\framework-res.apk\res\drawable-xhdpi. Or just use the folder names inside the zip file to know where to place them.
Note: If you're on GummyNex & have the lockscreen set to display the 4 icons, you probably have 2 stars. If you want to change those, they are called, zzic_lockscreen_custom_one_activated.png, zzic_lockscreen_custom_one_normal.png, zzic_lockscreen_custom_two_activated.png & zzic_lockscreen_custom_two_normal.png in the drawable-xhdpi folder of the framework-res.apk.
Also: When you get a phone call, the icon that shows up(the one that looks like a phone) is in the phone.apk\res\drawable-xhdpi & is called ic_in_call_touch_handle_normal.png. If you want that one changed also, you'll have to edit that one in the phone.apk. It's not taken/used from the framework-res.apk. But it's the same one as the ic_lockscreen_answer_normal.png in the drawable-xhdpi in the framework-res.apk.
I don't feel that I'm completely done with all the icons, so check back from time to time.
Custom Blue Lockscreen Icons:
(These are just some of the icons. There's 24 in all in the zip. Also include the ic_lockscreen_chevron's from the pictures above. Those are the ones that look like parenthesis)
The zip file for these include 2 folders. Use them to know where to place these icons in your rom.

They're just like the 2nd set. 24 icons with 2 folders inside the zip file

The Lock Screen Icons <--Same link for all sets.
If for some reason you swap out icons & your not showing any changes or end up with missing icons, check the file names of your original icons that came with your rom. There may be a chance that your rom calls them something else. In that case, just rename the ones I have to what your rom calls them.
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