Dell announces new android phone

Keep in mind Dell, and Motorola both are/have released android 2.0 phones on China Mobile, the biggest carrier in the world with 500 million subscribers. For Android apps..that is HUGE. Having almost 600 million potential customers now (with Verizon and T-Mobile) is massive!! It is a FAR bigger potential base of paying app buyers than iPhone. Add in the European market, south america, rest of american carriers, we'll soon be close to 1 billion potential app buyers. If that doesn't get the Android developers excited and ramping up, I can't imagine what else would.. other than perhaps more updates/features to the platform! :)
The Eris is in trouble! This mini Dell may take the female vote of favorite phone.
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I wonder why they didn't release it in the US first..?
Unboxed picture:

More info here:

Dell Mini 3i unboxed in China, capacitive stylus included

Dell Mini 3i officially set for imminent launch in Brazil and China
Thanks for the info there stigy. I saw it last minute at work and just wanted to share the link. :) It does though seem to be possible of a eris killer. But then again alot of people that like the eris like it because of SenseUI. I wonder how dell has deployed this. But looking at the screen shots, that doesn't look like a base android platform, so i'm curious to see how dell as tweaked it. (I would almost drop dead if they didn't :) )