Dawn of the Planet of the Apes do a great job of combining narrative, great visual effects, and character development to create an awesome summer blockbuster. If some one would have told me Dawn of the Planet of the Apes would have done a better job at being a summer blockbuster than Transformers 4 I would not have believed them, but after watching this movie it does so good of a job having a good flow as well as presenting a world that is stunning. I give this movie a full-price rating and recommend seeing this movie in theaters as the big screen really brings out the beautiful world they designed around this movie. So I highly recommend you check this out on the big screen if you can.
Parental Advisory: Contain some mild language and violence. Check out imdb's parents guide to decide if this movie is suitable for your family (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2103281/parentalguide?ref_=tt_stry_pg)