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Cracked screen on two day old Samsung Galaxy S3


New Member
Hey all... just joined up here. Wanted to share my unfortunate experience...

So, I have been looking forward to the S3 for a long time. Have been using a Droid X for 2 years and wanted to make the jump to 4G. Waffled back and forth b/w S3 and Razr Maxx HD but the S3 won out.

My brother is a verizon employee so my line is on his account... this makes things a little different for me than most.

So, I pre-ordered the S3 in June... shipped to my bro while I was at a conference. I got it this past monday, 7/23. I had already pre-ordered an Otterbox Defender 3 days prior... just not here yet. I stopped at a verizon outlet and slapped a low end cover on the phone to give it SOMETHING. I baby my phones and go to great lengths to make sure nothing happens to them.

First of all, so you all don't think i'm flaming on the S3, the phone is incredible. I couldn't not be happier with the fit/finish/feel of the phone, contrary to other people's objections about it feeling cheap. No complaints here. The phone itself is pure bliss... the interface is great, everything runs really well. It's more responsive than my laptop, i'd say.

On 7/24 (2nd day of owning phone), I was uploading some pics to Dropbox and pulling them up on my computer to make a craigslist ad. I was sitting on the couch, going back and forth from device to device with the phone lying next to me on a soft cushion. The only thing i was doing was pushing the "on" button on the side to wake the phone up. Well... I picked up the phone after the 5th-6th time and noticed a faint three pronged spider web on the right side of the class originating AT the "on" button, extending about 1 cm. Very difficult to see but definitely there. I was crushed. All i'd done was to casually press the button and apparently that was enough to do it. And no, i'm not that strong.

Talked to my bro... he got nowhere with verizon or samsung. Apparently Verizon employee accounts is a bit more "brisk" than the typical customer service folks... I guess they don't have to worry about losing the "customer" unless somebody is willing to give up their livelihood. My bro is going to try to reach out to his Samsung rep directly but he told me not to get my hopes up. He said unless there's a "documented problem" with the phone, there's nothing VZW can do.

The thing is... i have insurance on the phone. I've had it since day 1... but really hoping that my $200 phone isn't going to turn into a $300 (or i'd have gotten a freaking Razr Maxx). Besides... what would prevent this from happenign again? The damage is minor and 1/2 of the damage is over the bezel so the impact is minimal.

Just very disappointed in samsung for not making this right. Can't recommend this phone to ANYBODY at this point.

Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated.

P.S. will try to get pics of the damage uploaded soon
This tells me something about all parties involved (except you, the poster). I will think it over for a long time before I get something that I now see as being this low quality. That is a lot of money to be throwing away on something that breaks with normal use.
I can't say the same in my opinion this phone is very durable I've dropped it five six * with no case no screen protector so far it survive everytime without a scratch I've dealt with two crack screens in the past 1 on the evo 4 g and 1 on a samsung touch screen media player service providers will do nothing about cracked screens
Well I hate to say it cuz what I do and always right...

Well at least you said it isn't always right... :)

To all, we don't support or promote insurance fraud (nor should you, it makes all of our stuff more expensive!), and any further mention of it will result in a stronger reaction from the staff.
Wasn't the best idea i ever had forgot to mention that sprint canceled my service 2 weeks after I received my new phone with a bs story about how it was due to excessive roaming we don't always see it but ****s got a way of balancing itself out
Wasn't the best idea i ever had forgot to mention that sprint canceled my service 2 weeks after I received my new phone with a bs story about how it was due to excessive roaming we don't always see it but ****s got a way of balancing itself out

man that's the truth!
Missed the edited post but I don't think insurance fraud is an issue. I HAVE insurance... I just don't want to have to use it. Just very frustrating.
Honestly we need to raise a big online stink about this...by the time it's an issue, they well replace it with a freaking ReFurb and you will be screwed until whenever your next upgrade is.

Googorola MAXX
If you have conveyed ALL the facts and what you are saying is truly accurate, then I would respectfully take that up the ladder with the Samsung rep and continue up from there. A step by step logical analysis will show that the damage or failure is not impact related.
Keep us posted.

Sent from my Liquid Galaxy Nexus on Xparent ICS.

These are all the facts... my brother (Vzw assistant mger) got nowhere with samsung customer service. He is going to try to talk directly to the samsung rep for his region. Verizon won't do anything until it's an "acknowledged issue" with the phone... and samsung has to make that determination.

So, where else should I post this story to help raise awareness and try to get samsung's attention? I am telling anybody and everybody not to get this phone until samsung figures this out.

For the record, I won't give samsung my device number because I am worried they will flag the phone and i won't be able to use my insurance in the future, should I so choose. What are thoughts on this? Should I disclose it? I am interested in doing the right thing but if Samsung isn't going to (do the right thing) then I don't want to shoot myself in the foot.
Wow, exmasonite... I would be devastated. Your situation is so much more stickier than most but doesn't seem fair at all. It seems there have been quite a few posts reporting the SG3 screen cracking. Some of the complaints of the cracked screen were a result of what could be construed as undue pressure, user error to blame (ie. one person had the phone in his back pocket as I recall. Very interesting because last night when I went out, I must've seen at least ten girls with tight tight jeans on and a clear outline of their phones in their back pocket. Obvioulsy a very common practice). Your situation is normal use. I am grasping at straws here but I wonder if you collect all the posts that report a cracked screen and show it to the powers that be, if they would reconsider it being a fault of some of their phone's manufacturing. Just a thought!
I agree. The more data you present, the better off you will be. Again, firm, calm , professional disposition. And illustrate the facts. If a corporate representative from Samsung will not help, file a complaint with the BBB. As a last resort, I wonder if you could file suit in small claims court. But again, this hinges on honesty and how determined you are to make it right.

Sent from my Liquid Galaxy Nexus on Xparent ICS.