
New Member
Feb 12, 2017
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Current Phone Model
Galaxy s7
i just switched from iPhone to Galaxy. I know there is a ton of stuff i can do with this phone, and I want to know what those things are. I can look up tutorials but all i find are like the basic things. I wanna know what this thing is really capable of as far as like underground apps, hacks, things like that. Remember i'm totally new to Android so keep responses for a simpleton like me. Thanks guys!
Welcome to the forum.
Might sound simply ignorant but you can add new ringtones quickly without a sync and change just about every default on your phone. You want to play your Amazon music on the stock player instead of the Amazon app platter? Easy. Just 1 example of the love/hate relationship with Android vs iOS. Some want to customize everything, some don't. Custom Launcher is another great thing I prefer about Android over iOS.

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Welcome to DroidForums! There is so much you can do with the Galaxy & Android, it's hard to know where to start. Customization of your home screens with widgets, folders, wallpapers, etc is fun to explore.

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