contacts issue


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
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just updated to eclipse 2.1, had this issue with 2.0, also. the contacts button at the base of the launcher says "Application is not installed on your phone" even if I longpress and rechoose contacts. if I use a different launcher, it works fine when I put it at the bottom. any resolution for this? thanks!
I'm not sure if you are still having this problem (or still running 2.1, now that 2.2 is available). I have had this happen three times on 2.2. Each time it happened, I had just rebooted. After waiting approximately 30 seconds (to allow everything to load fully, I assume) it returned to working flawlessly.

The one and only minor issue I've found for myself with 2.2 is that the facebook contacts do not seem to interface with the address book as well as when I was stock rooted. I don't have my facebook friend's pictures automatically showing, even after "un-joining" and "re-joining" the facebook contact and the gmail contacts.

Can anyone shed any light on that particular issue? Has anyone else found an easy work around or solution to this?

btw this is also my first post and I'm looking forward to many more. This forum is extremely useful and I've learned alot from it. Thanks to everyone that contributes!
Never heard back on the subject so I downloaded Friendcaster, problem solved if anyone else encounters this issue.