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Connectivity Issues Still?

So I haven't had ANY problems with my Bionic until .902 update. I swear I can't keep 4g to save my life and then I lose everything. Even on CDMA only it struggles with keeping 3g. Anyone else notice this on their update? I tried battery pull but it didn't do much.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I've noticed my Bionic seems to be slower than usual with 3G. Don't have 4G.

Sent from my BIONIC out in the boonies of TN while picking a guitar!
I love this phone so I don't want to swap it for a refurbished one that the previous owner dropped in his toilet. I want this one cause i'm comfortable holding it up to my face cause I know where it's been.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I've had nothing but problem TILL 902, now I never drop 4g. I've been angry since buying this phone but this update has been amazing so far to me. Finally....because I was thinking about returning it.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
You'll very rarely hear me suggest this, but I've always done a FDR whenever installing a new rom or update. Yes, you have to set your phone back up, but I also have never had any issues with updating.

At the very least, wipe the cache and dalvik. You never know what kind of crap is left behind after changing system files.
It's dropping wifi, too?! Never heard of that problem with a bionic. I was a little apprehensive going to 902 from 901 since 901 was so amazingly perfect for such a long time. 902 seems to be equally as good for me so far though!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
So I haven't had ANY problems with my Bionic until .902 update. I swear I can't keep 4g to save my life and then I lose everything. Even on CDMA only it struggles with keeping 3g. Anyone else notice this on their update? I tried battery pull but it didn't do much.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

I too surely feel your pain!! I thought it was just me that seems to have great success with each update for just the first 24 hours (.866 > .893 > .901 > .902) and then it all goes to hell as far as my data connection. I mean the first day after EACH update had my phone working PERFECTLY. Then the very next day after each update, I would start losing my data connection. Not only from 4G-LTE to 3G, but then to NO-G and having NO DATA CONNECTION AT ALL!!!!

I wish I knew what was consistently causing this problem. All I can conclude is that it's either a crappy phone (which I really don't want to believe since I LOVE this phone "when it's f*#king working"), Verizon's crappy service, or something about the updates or the process. I sort of feel that it's more Verizon than anything else because when going into a local Verizon store I'm told that ALL of their 4G-LTE devices are constantly having issues...i just wish they would get it together since this stuff aint cheap, so I expect it to work properly at least most of the time. However, I will admit that I don't usually do a FDR, or wipe dalvic cache or anything before installing each update and maybe I should going forward.

Anyone else having similar issues after updating? I hate calling VZW about it because all they usually suggests is a battery pull, FDR and then a refurbished replacement...and I am in 100% agreement with you LegalAmerican when you say that you don't want a refurbished phone put up to your face that may have been in the previous owners toilet! I had to pay full retail for my Bionic but at least I knew that it was brand new so I don't believe in replacing it with a used one.

Anyone else have any ideas on what may be causing this?
No problems here, but I confess that part of that may be due to the fact that I had fried my sim card and got a new one just before manually installing .902 (although it's been good since the day I got the phone).
No problems here, but I confess that part of that may be due to the fact that I had fried my sim card and got a new one just before manually installing .902 (although it's been good since the day I got the phone).

the sim card will have to do with the data issue?