CM7 Nightlies

Read the thread on these forums. You can do the sbf method or the tbh all in one installer (that's what I did). Worked great!

now that I have the 1% battery increments is there anyway to get a battery indicator that actually says the percent?
I am on the latest nightly (31). When a new one comes out and I decide to flash it, I know I can flash it over my current one with just a cache and dalvik cache wipe. But will I need to flash the Gapps and All in one fix everytime also?

I am on the latest nightly (31). When a new one comes out and I decide to flash it, I know I can flash it over my current one with just a cache and dalvik cache wipe. But will I need to flash the Gapps and All in one fix everytime also?

you shouldn't have to, but occasionally they get wiped, so you can flash it with each nightly you install. no harm in doing it.
Awesome. Thanks for helping me with all my stupid questions. :)

I am 99% sure i have isolated the reason for the bad battery issue surrounding cm4dx. When i reboot into recovery and select wipe battery stats, it is NOT wiping them. So I found an app that does it. Its called battery calibration. I charged my phone to 100% and then opened up the app and hit calibrate battery. My battery life seems to be back to what I used to get. Please try this out and let me know if it works for you all, and i have posted this in one other post i am not spamming i am trying to get people to try this to see if they had any luck like i did. please post results it would make me feel better about posting this
I know you're talking dx here, but the d2 has similar battery issues. I've been using battery calibration (there's another application called battery calibrator as well) for months now (cm7 included). It hasn't fixed the issue for me as of yet. Just thought I'd report that. I calibrated yesterday.

Not getting too excited about the issues until we get a final release, it's still a beta. Don't have a bug thread I'm aware of, so I post stuff as I find it. On that note, I'm pretty sure I was getting better battery on 28 than I'm getting on 30+, on 34 now. Waiting on the data/ wifi thing, too. Just an inconvenience, tho', ROM works too good for minor things to be a deal breaker.
Finally got onto the ron #33 but I got two hot boots in two minutes? Ideas...and I need help with this small key board cus I never replaces anything in system files before
You can just dl a replacement keyboard from the market. A gb one or SwiftKey. Whatever.

Are you getting boots.......opps make that three. In three minutes.