CM7 Camera


New Member
Apr 25, 2011
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Hi Everyone..

I've been running CM7 on my phone for almost as long as I've owned it... lately I've been really disappointed with the quality of the videos//and even photos to an extent with this phone. I'm curious is it just the phone in general that has poor video, or would a different rom serve me better? My biggest complaint about it is the sound quality. It's really quiet and bad quality. I've had CM7 on here so long I don't remember what the quality was like on the stock device.

Have you noticed one rom taking better photos/video than another? They all have the same camera, so I wouldn't think the camera app would make a big differece.. but then again... I don't know.

What do you guys think?
The software makes a huge difference. And it is a known issue that the cm7 camera is crap. The sense camera is better by leaps and bounds. If taking pictures is important, sense 3.5 has the best camera out of any available rom base, and you would find it in newt's inchd or mikrunny. I am using coredroid right now and can say it is pretty sweet. Skyraider is super stable, but it is only sense 2.1.

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I'm running newts incredible 2 HD RLS 1.1 and can take excellent video and pictures. Netflix runs smooth with very good quality playback. I was a little hesitant to watch movies on my phone but it really isn't bad at all. The mikrunny ROM was a bit laggy and not nearly as smooth as rls is.

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Thanks for the info.. I installed MIUI on my inc2 last night, and wasn't sure if it was a placebo effect or not, but it seemed like the pictures looked a bit better. I didn't test video recording on it.

I might have to check out one of the Sense 3.5 roms soon.