Is there a big difference in the version that comes with Sapphire, and the one on the market? Would it be worth it to get rid of the one I have in order to get the one that is on the Market?
Is there a big difference in the version that comes with Sapphire, and the one on the market? Would it be worth it to get rid of the one I have in order to get the one that is on the Market?
I am not an expert on these ROM's but if it's free from the Market then it's the exact same thing.
Brilliant the Devs are indeed. But I think when it comes to freebie stuff like that they just sort of include it.
After a while of not using it, I tried to use chrome to phone yesterday and it FC'd the first time and then stopped working until I reinstalled it. Then the same thing.
I was having another problem anyway so I just wiped and reinstalled everything from scratch (without recovering system settings from Ti, etc.), now I have a completely stock, virgin sapphire 1.1.1 system.
I can download chrome to phone fine, and set it up fine, but now it doesn't do anything at all. It's running in the background but I'm not getting any notifications/links. I've tried this from FireFox and Chrome so it's not a desktop browser issue.
Anyone else see this?
After a while of not using it, I tried to use chrome to phone yesterday and it FC'd the first time and then stopped working until I reinstalled it. Then the same thing.
I was having another problem anyway so I just wiped and reinstalled everything from scratch (without recovering system settings from Ti, etc.), now I have a completely stock, virgin sapphire 1.1.1 system.
I can download chrome to phone fine, and set it up fine, but now it doesn't do anything at all. It's running in the background but I'm not getting any notifications/links. I've tried this from FireFox and Chrome so it's not a desktop browser issue.
Anyone else see this?
I saw this starting a few days ago. First I tried wiping the data using Titanium Backup and it would FC when it received a link. Then I restored from a backup 7 days ago and that fixed it.
What version is working for you? I've currently got 2.1.0, I don't know when it last updated but it looks like I've got various backups.
What version is working for you? I've currently got 2.1.0, I don't know when it last updated but it looks like I've got various backups.
2.0. Interesting - I use TB to backup every night and I just restored from the earliest backup I had - from last Saturday. That was version 2.0 and Thursday morning's backup was 2.1 so I guess that's when it broke.
I upgraded tonight to 2.1 from the market and did not receive any of the 3 web pages I sent from Chrome, I went back to 2.0 and it's working again.
Thanks captdroid for putting in your experience. It's useful to know that this is not a real bug, now I just need to figure out why it's not working in my case.