Well, the old Droid 2 is on the fritz and with the unlimited data plan about to go bye bye I thought now might be the time to upgrade to a 4g phone. Now I am torn between the big three listed in the title. I like things about each, battery life, durability, connectivity of the Razr, rootability and screen quality of the Nexus, camera quality of the Rezound...
I use my phone camera a lot so having a good one is important, I am an avid outdoorsman and can be pretty hard on things so durability and battery life are important. I also like to root and customize my phone to do what I want. So, which one would you choose if you were in my shoes?
(alternately, I could just buy another used phone like a Droid X for $100 bucks and be done with it. I just thought that if I was going to upgrade to a 4g, now is the time so I could keep my unlimited data)
I use my phone camera a lot so having a good one is important, I am an avid outdoorsman and can be pretty hard on things so durability and battery life are important. I also like to root and customize my phone to do what I want. So, which one would you choose if you were in my shoes?
(alternately, I could just buy another used phone like a Droid X for $100 bucks and be done with it. I just thought that if I was going to upgrade to a 4g, now is the time so I could keep my unlimited data)