Car Charging Issues


Sep 10, 2010
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Ok so here is the deal. I place my DX into the Motorola car dock, activate navigation and Pandora. Then I plug in the charger (cigarette lighter) to keep a full charge. After a couple of hours I notice that the battery is not 100% anymore. It seems that the charger cannot keep up with the output. Also when I mount it in my car the battery is fully charged.

Anyone else have this problem?

PS. I drove for 8 hrs the other day doing the above stated and my battery was @ 40% when I got home.
I noticed this behavior with the stock Motorola car charger. Recently, I got a Griffin Powerjolt Universal charger from Best Buy. It's capable of providing up to 1 Amp of charging current. I no longer see the charger not capable of keeping up with the demands of the Droid X when in the car. Here's a link for the charger at Best Buy....
Yes, some chargers (many USB and cheap car chargers) will not keep pace with battery use. It's just the nature of the beast, get a charger with a better current rating.

My AC inverter, combined with the stock AC charger, keep my phone at 100% power while I use Google Nav and play music.
Yeah I have the same problems... But I've also heard that it can be bad to use car chargers not specifically made for your phone... I also read on the forums that people were actually experiences phone issues after using aftermarket car chargers...? But it is true that the verizon droid x car charger sucks balls.