Cant mount sd card


New Member
Jun 22, 2010
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I am trying to install BB on my motorola droid. i did a restore earlier which unrooted my droid before i started to try and do this. After 45 min of debugging my restore i finally got my phone to mount the SD card and install my backup. now when i try root my phone again i get the following error:
E:cant mount no such file or directory
E:cant mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
E:cant mount SDCARD:/nandroid.

I had the same issue when trying to restore with SPrecovery, after fooling around with it i uninstalled automount and it worked perfect. after the restore, first thing i did was uninstall automount but am still having the same issue. my update file is in there and so is nandroid so im not sure what issue i am having now. The card mounts perfect when the phone is on but doesnt allow me to in SPrecovery.
Ok after more fooling around and the help above at the xda site, i have concluded that when the card is mounted and the additional files are put on, such as:music, data, android and so fourth( the only ones i left intact were nandroid and the update file) it throws SPrecovery for a loop. After i removed those files and tried it again it went through perfect.
Thanks again toddj for the link to the site!!
so you had to clear you sd card in order to apply the update?
Cleared it all but nandroid and the update but im still having some issues here and there. i do believe that it has random SD card issues. I ran SPrecovery 10 time last night and out of those 10 times about 4 of them allowed me to mount my sd card. i do know that if i dont clear out the card itself i never get it to mount. I tried it before clearing and after about 10-15 boots into SPrecovery i let it boot and cleared the card.
I am trying to install BB on my motorola droid. i did a restore earlier which unrooted my droid before i started to try and do this. After 45 min of debugging my restore i finally got my phone to mount the SD card and install my backup. now when i try root my phone again i get the following error:
E:cant mount no such file or directory
E:cant mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
E:cant mount SDCARD:/nandroid.

I know a while has passed since this was posted, but my Droid is having the same issue. My very first backup worked fine, but then when I wanted to load a ROM or restore my backup, it wouldn't mount the SDCard. The best way to tell was to try an advanced restore and see if I could select which backup to use. That way, you don't get some strange error code when trying to do something like simple restore.

While messing around (reformatting, copying files back to the card, trying again, etc) trying to get this working, I stumbled across a way that seems to make it work (and I've repeated it 3 times now while applying patches, etc).

The first time I start up into SPRecovery I seem to always have the problem, but if I select the reboot option and then immediately hold X to go into SPRecovery again (without ever letting it boot to Android), it has access to the SDCard the second time around. No idea why that would make a difference, but like I mentioned, I've done it 3 times now and hopefully it will continue to work as I play around with which kernel I want to run.

Hopefully that helps anyone else having the issue.