bringing in new ringtones for motorola droid


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I have used different apps to download music onto my droid then have tried to make them into ringtones. I can get the songs to work as ringtones and I can even set specific songs to certain contacts but maintaining them is where I am having issues. My droid notification works so I get sound but for some reason my phone won't always ring if I don't choose a ringtone that was custom to the droid. I called my cellular company and they are telling me I probably just have to stick with the rings provided by the droid but I just can't believe that's true, the phone I had before allowed me to have all types of ringtones and assign them how I wanted. Any ideas?
I can't speak for everyone because the phone I had before the Droid was Verizon's Voyager and I always downloaded a lot of ringtones. So far the ringtone app that I found and it was free is called Mabilo Ringtones. The ringtones are current artists and they are fairly up to date. It even lets you preview the tone before you download it. Once I download it the two options pop up of ringtone or notification. Choose ringtone and then it downloads then I usually go back in the menu and either keep it as my default ringtone or go to contacts and make it one of my caller id ringtones. Hopefully this helps somewhat. Because using this forum is how I learned alot of stuff too.

That is the program I first started using also. Once I downloaded the ringtone I would go and put it on one of my contacts. After I completed about 8 of them I got a call and the ringtone worked, but the next time I got a call the phone didn't even ring, I only noticed that I had missed a call when I went to make a call. I have turned my phone off and when it was turned back on the ringtones would work again but sometimes after taking a couple of calls all downloaded ringtones would cease working.
I'm a newbie, with no experience, but downloaded Ringdroid from Market Apps. It allows you to edit which part of any downloaded song to use as a ringtone. Very easy to use, and automatically created the ring tone in the regular ring tone selection. :)
Ringdroid......easy to use, allows you to edit which portion of a song to use as a ring tone. It automatically added the ringtone to the regular menu selection. :)

I do have ringdroid and I don't have trouble making a ringtone or even downloading one, the trouble I have is getting the phone to use the ringtone. For example, I have a ringtone and I use it as my default. Someone calls me and my phone rings with the ringtone, 10 min later I get another call and now my phone does not ring at all, but I will get the little droid message if someone texts me, so I know it's not a problem with the sound. I feel like I am missing a step but I just can't figure out what it is.
i'm using mabilo ringtones also, and it seems to be working fine for the most part, the only thing i don't get is how to set up one of the songs to be a ringtone for my txt messages. same with the soundboard apps. if you download a sound, you can put them as a ringtone for a call, but not for a txt. they just don't show up in the options menu, anyone got an idea of how to fix this?
Generally the sound board apps that allow you to use them as Ringtones and Notifications will prompt you what you want to save the sound as (Long Hold... menu pops up asking save as Ringtone or Notification) Any of the sound boards I've used for a tone have followed this setup. Notifications have always shown up in Ringtone or Notification list.

I've noticed too that when you choose to use a soundboard sound as a Notification or Tone it saves it to my SD card under the folder "APPS".... Just an FYI as to where the file saves when you select it.