BOGO Free question??


May 20, 2010
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I've had 2 different answers given to me on this--one from Verizon customer service and one from the corporate store. I was thinking of upgrading to the Maxx and trying to take advantage of the Buy 1, Get 1 free option. I asked the 611-customer service # rep if you can put one of the Maxx's on one account and the other Maxx on another account. I also made sure they didn't have to be some partner or family plan. She said "Yes, you could". I call the local corporate store and he said it can only be done on family/partner plans. Anybody know what the correct answer is??

BTW, the rep yesterday said BOGO Free is done after today (2/20).

I do know that the BOGO ends today... I can not confirm you can cross contracts/plans on it but I was told by my sales rep yesterday that I could (I have 3 lines and she was offering it if I wanted to upgrade all 3, however I am dropping the 3rd line) She said that both parties needed to be at the store in order to do it. Maybe some people know how to get around the system and some don't?