This is not just a nexus topic but it came to me while talking about and looking at my nexus. I keep talking about how amazing this screen is and yet how slim the phone remains, yet I found myself complaining about battery life. Now the extended battery has helped and i refuse to get the 3800. And that brings me to my point. We want the gorgeous screens 4.6+inch screens, we want it to be slim and light and yet we (myself included) get mad with the battery life. Yes we want a phone that can get through the day but the reality is that battery tech has not caught up with phone tech yet and knowing that we have to pick our poison. I saw the nexus s up close and compared it to the galaxy nexus and thought how I rather not go back to a screen size that small. I personally continue to marvel at the strides that android is making and the variety that is out there. Google has changed the smart phone landscape similar to what windows did with computers. Almost anyone can own a smart phone now on almost any carrier. We have so many choices but with each choice there is a drawback. If you get a super amoled (and super amoled +) you will get a beautiful screen at the cost of daylight visibility. The pentile display on the d3 and bionic performs better in daylight but is a step down from super amoled. If you want a larger display its gonna need the energy to power it. I guess my point is as consumers we need to look at the phone that is best for us and not the best phone based on popularity. And to do some research to see what the drawbacks of each device is.