Best web browser for downloading and uploading attachments!


New Member
Nov 21, 2009
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Ok I have been testing the different browsers for downloading and uploading attachments such as .pdf or .rtf and so far opera mini is the only one that can does this. I have tried out the native browser built into android, steel. infinity and dolphin and so far opera mini works the best. Now it is not very pretty and is not the best for surfing in general, but it is the best for attachments. Correct me in I am wrong though, because I am trying to find my best option for this. I deal with attachments a lot and I need a good solution and so far opera mini is it.
I think Dolphin browser is all around browser out there for Android. It has the features of a desktop app but is super fast and well thought out that it works great on a small handheld (Eris). It's exactly why I am excited about Android. As good as the iPhone can't "get better" because Apple ultimately won't let third parties make these kind of improvements.
Very impressed
Ill try out dolphin browser later on. I've had no need to try anything out since I'm in love with default. Unless akyfire comes out.
I used Dolphin for about two weeks. Its very nice for casual stuff, but if you try to really use multiple tabs or leave it running for more than a couple hours, it starts to get unstable and eventually freezes/crashes. Over the long term, the built in browser is more stable. If/when someone gets multitouch, then I'll be excited.
yea agreed Dolphin is the best overall for just browsing, but I think so far just handling attachment opera mini works the best.