Switched over to the RevNumbers CM7 GB. Hitting ALT twice works great for alt-lock. Getting rid of the Blur definitely frees up a LOT more RAM. I like that CM7 forces you to re-enter the screen lock pattern after manually turning the screen off. The menu under the long-press power button is a great improvement - Screenshot and Reboot is nice to have there. The Wifi, Bluetooth, GPS, and Silent buttons are nice to have at the top of the notifications drawer (means I don't have to install buttons on the home screen for it). Wifi, Bluetooth, and GPS buttons in the notifications drawer work, but the Silent button only partly works (right now if you long press on it, it takes you to the sounds menu. Short pressing it doesn't seem to do anything). Switched Browser on the Dock to Dolphin Browser HD. For some reason, the custom dock icon reverts to a generic android icon after a while, but that's pretty minor. Not sure what tweaks, if any, to apply to CM7 GB. I have ROM Toolbox, Milestone Overclock, Propmodder, and RadioComm, but my guess is that CM7 already has some of that stuff built in. For some reason the weather widget doesn't have any weather information for my location, even with GPS on. It does pull weather information if I manually enter a zip code.