Gotta be a rogue app or something using a lot of CPU cycles. I'm still getting 30+ hours on my maxx, sometimes 48hrs. (to about 15-20% batt)
My typical use is several phone calls a day, gmail push, weather checks every 3 hours, a few dozen taxts, some web surfing, accessing medscape and skyscape seveal times a day and playing solitaire when I'm bored. For the most part, I keep wifi off and don't mess with 4g.
Started today out at 8am and listened to my music via motocast with my BT headphones while mowing my lawn for about 2 hours. Made seveal phone calls and texts today, played solitaire and updated 8 apps via 4g. Ita almost 12 hours later now and I just hit 70%.
Battery status shows Android OS using 21%, display 18%, media server 11%, pandora9%, phone idle and standby both at 8% , Klondike Solitaire at 5% com.motorola music and motocast are 4% and bluetooth is 2%. Looks like my battery graph is fairly linear.
Overall, I've been very happy with my battery life.